Due to the time-off of school anniversary, we had a six-day spring break, which is much more than most of the universities. Although the custom of sweeping the tombs and the concept of mourning ancestors are not as common as it used to be now, I still choose to accompany my family more. After all, study in another city from my hometown indeed decreases a lot of time for the whole family to get together.
I spent my spring vacation with my family in the first and the last couple of days, we chatted a lot, and we don’t mind to tease each other; we went to “eat” luxurious afternoon tea, where I think I had a food baby; we went to the new-opening department store to go shopping …and so on. I love the intimate atmosphere we had when we are together. Laughter is everywhere. And most important of all, I feel totally at ease and unrestrained at home, or in front of my family. I am not ashamed even if I am naked! (Just kidding!)
I also spent a day or two with my friends; I spent a day with my senior high school friends: we went to the bank of love river and merely talked about our collage lives for a whole afternoon. It was relax, comfortable and joyful to realize there’s nothing changed after we have been separated since we are in different schools. On the other day, I went shopping with my collage friends. The feeling was different from spending time with senior high school friends, but both of them were great and full of happiness.
However, most of the time I slept during my spring break. After the tiring tasks in CCU (Dancing, basketball, academics works, and so on…) spring break is really a break for me to rest. It was not special to sleep 12 hours a day every day in these six days! I indeed got the sense of happiness and satisfaction from sleeping!