2010年1月5日 星期二


Question 1
How do you like the weekly writing prompts? Are they interesting or boring? Inspirational or weird? Are they related to your life? Can you suggest anything better and give some examples?
I like most of them( the illustrations beside the prompts are cute, too! And they encouraged me to finish the tasks! It seems that TA worked very hard on the layouts, thank you!) , especailly the topic of Britney Spears and Randy Pausch, it is relatively easy for me to bring all my thoughts into full play. Although other topics are related to our lives, it is too similar to write some new contents. It is better to choose something big happen lately.
Question 2
Do you like the two-way online discussion with your keypal? Or do you think we should have more people (like 3~4 students) form a group blog to exchange ideas? Why or why not?
Yes. I think two is just right. Too many people causes more technical problems, especailly the coordination of time. However, we can choose several articles in the end of the semester of others( not our original partner’s article) to give responses so that we can learn from others.
Question 3
Have you encountered any difficulties during the semester when using blogs to discuss with your keypal, e.g., computer problems or anything?
Nope. Not at all. The only problem is that we are both extremely busy so that sometimes we can’t turn in our works on time.
Question 4
How do you like the project website? Are they friendly enough? Have we left out any important content? How do you like the layout/design?
Great, for all the questions above. I think topics related to our lives are not necessary have to be related to the academic ones. It can also related to the things around us, such as big news either in school or in the world.
Question 5
What have you gained from this blog activity?
I find that private schools’ students are not necessary inferior to we who study in national university. Their skills and attitude toward learning and writing are worth learning. I also learned many words and phrases from my kel pal as I mentioned above.
Question 6
If you had an opportunity to start over, would you have done anything differently? If so, how?I will try hard to turn in the tasks on time, to use the grammar more accurately, and to improve my skill of choosing words efficiently.

1 則留言:

  1. I think the weekly writing prompts are quite interesting. I mean, I might have thought about the topics or related issues before, but I've never have the opportunity (or say no one force me) to write down my feeling and my opinions. I think all the topics are strongly connected to my life. As a college student I constantly encounter the dilemma of “to skip or not to skip” and the struggles and conflicts between me and my family, and the “strawberry” label on our generation. These are the issues that I have to face and think about.

    I think there are some other issues for students to talk about. Since the weekly tasks are given at the beginning of the week, we can talk about the recent events happening around us, such as signing ECFA, the Kobenhagon meeting, the coming-policy of bringing Mainland China's students into Taiwan, and so on. College students in Taiwan should understand what are happening around us. Talking about the issue forces us to do some research on the topic and thus makes us know more about our society, our country and the globalized world we are in.

    I think two people discuss online is enough. The two-way discussion is good that the two can explain each other's ideas clear and have sufficient time and space to discuss on the issue. If we have more than two people discussing the same issue at the same time, the discussion might become imbalanced since people can only focus on one point at a time. Under such circumstances, the discussion will become complicated. Either that A tries to talk to B while B is trying to clarify his/her idea to C or some other complex situation. This semester I think Carnation and I have enough time to write our opinions down and read the others’ point of view and then discuss. Therefore I think two people are sufficient for a discussion.

    The only difficulty I encounter when doing the rights to write project is that sometimes I forget to make response to my keypal. Because I don’t visit her blog every day and I can’t predict when my keypal will write down her opinions toward the issue. But later on I found out the solution. I use the Google Friend Connect provides by Blogger to follow my keypal’s writing and add her blog URL onto my blog list. Through these ways, I can follow her posts without checking her blog every day. This keeps me informed all the time and keeps reminding me to continue my work on the project.
    I think the project website is quite okay. It is well-organized and clear presented that I can get the information I need easily.

    As a college student now living far from my family, I encounter various tasks in my daily life and I did think about the meaning of the issues and their influence on my life. However, I don’t really have time (the truth is no one force me) to write down my thoughts. I think the rights to write project is a good opportunity for me to organize my thought and thoroughly present it to other people. Additionally, my keypal can share different opinions with me so that through sharing we can come up with an innovation thought. I like the project very much. If possible, I hope that we can continue this project next semester.
